Secondary chakras

Secondary chakras

Secondary chakras

The negative feelings and emotions we feel in our daily life may be linked to the imbalance of our 7 main chakras, but also to our secondary chakras. Although they are little known, they are as important as the main ones. In this way and continuing the subjects I have brought on my blog, let’s talk about some secondary chakras. I will speak only of those that I find most relevant, but there are more secondary chakras. In this blog I will talk about some of the secondary chakras that exist in our body, then I will talk about the chakras that exist outside our body.

Following,  secondary chakras…

Hands Chakras

The hands chakras are in the center of the palms. These chakras are in the terminal parts of the body, have no specific color and are connected to the heart chakra. These chakras are like the main chakras because they receive and send energy.

If we think about the importance of hands in our lives, we see that like hands, hand chakras are an important part of us. That is, although they are secondary, they are quite important.

Hand chakras are a powerful tool for sending targeted energy, where we can coordinate our emotions and intentions, it is an energetic channel from which we can pass conscious energy.

Hand chakras are a source of healing. I say this because we’ve been using them forever. When we get hurt, what’s the gesture we make? We take our hands to the place that is hurt and squeeze, with this feel the relief, which is not enough to pass the pain but relieves. If we have these chakras developed, we can send healing to ourselves or to others. It is not enough only for the hand chakras to be developed, but to have all 7 harmonized chakras.

With these chakras we can develop techniques such as Reiki, Hands of Light, massages… These techniques can be developed for personal well-being while for the well-being of the community. I would like to leave a note here: whenever energy work is done with their hands after doing the service, you must wash your hands with soap and water, so that the other person’s energy is disconnected.

Feet chakras

These chakras are located on the plant of the feet. And it is a secondary chakra and little publicized despite having an important function. The function of this chakra is to discharge or receive energy from nature, from mother earth to our physical body. That is, it is a channel that we must connect to the energy of mother earth and with the material world. This chakra is connected to the energy of the first main chakra, Basic chakra. To be able to live a full life this chakra despite being secondary must be in harmony because it is through this chakra that we can receive energy from nature.

Feet chakras closed or blocked

When this chakra is blocked, usually our material life is also blocked, we feel insecure, we feel that our paths are blocked, we cannot evolve in our life, we have little focus on the here and now, we cannot focus on the projects we are carrying out, we have financial problems, chronic diseases, a sense of instability. This chakra is directly linked to the basic chakra, so the problems that arise with the basic chakra imbalance are also reflected in the foot chakra.

We can also notice a weight on the legs and feet, and in this case, we have a blockage of the channel through which the energy is discharged to mother earth and that process is not happening, and we are getting all the accumulated energy or all these accumulated emotions, so we have that weight on the legs and feet. With the accumulation of emotions, we can be creating space for diseases.

How to unlock the foot chakra

-To unlock the foot chakras, as to unlock the basic chakra, it is advisable to do the grounding exercise. This exercise consists of being resting, with your feet directly on the ground (more advisable to be on the ground, on the grass, in nature, for those who cannot be barefoot on the ground). Make the energy connection with mother earth. To imagine that they come out of the roots that connect to the mother earth and that deepen, they are receiving this energy and deepening. This energy from mother earth is vital energy and it goes up the legs, trunk, to the top of the head.

Cultivate this relationship with Mother Earth and you will see that the energy is very good.

-Another way to unlock the foot chakra is through the so-called foot scald. This shape favors the whole body and not only the feet, because the feet have points that connect the whole body. This technique consists of soaking your feet in hot water and coarse salt for thirty minutes or as long as you think this is necessary. Coarse salt is indispensable because coarse salt is a crystal that cleanses all stagnant energies in the body. We can also add aromatic herbs or even oils to relax.

Knee chakra

These chakras are located on our knees and are responsible for pulling the energy from mother earth to the Basic chakra (our first chakra of the main 7).

The chakras of the knees regulate the energy that enters our body, whether it enters in large quantities or if in a small amount, as well as the way we deal with flexibility. This flexibility relates to the flexibility of the knees themselves as well as the flexibility with which we relate to people and how we manage our lives, as well as the flexibility in being open to transformation. These chakras also work our personality and to be humble. At the back are the reservoir of our spiritual energy.

Knee chakra blocked

This chakra is directly related to the root chakra, so when we feel insecure, with many fears, when we want to control all around us, when we are adamant in an idea or decision, as in the Basic chakra, this means that the knees chakras are blocked and consequently the Basic chakra is blocked.

How to unlock the knee chakra

-Be flexible mentally and emotionally. When life becomes challenging the first thing, we do is try to isolate ourselves from everything and everyone, we take a rigid and closed position. This causes energy not to flow naturally into our body, blocking the flow of energy in our body, which translates into inflammations in our body.

– Let yourself go with the flow. Sometimes situations occur in our lives where we have no control over what will happen, for example an accident. In such cases we must be flexible to the extent that we allow ourselves to be carried away by the flow. We can’t control the unfolding of events, so we accept things as they are happening.

-Visualize water cleaning all bad energy. Imagine your fears and then visualize water cleaning up all your fears, visualize this water eliminating all your need to control every detail of your life, visualize this water passing through and leaving behind a release of fears and safety.

– Practice the genuflection. Genuflection is the act of bending your knees to the ground in reverence or worship. Reflecting on this practice will help us connect with these chakras and with your body as a whole.

Ankles chakras

The ankle chakras are situated on the ankles, and are directly related to the Basic chakra, such as the foot chakras and knee chakras. This chakra receives and makes subtle energy flow and concerns the adaptability of each person. This well-developed chakra has a great potential for trading and waist play, fundamental to have a balanced and harmony life. This chakra in harmony helps us in the changes we must make throughout our lives, making these changes less painful and more harmonious.

How to unlock the ankle chakra

-Practice stretching.

-Do activities that keep the mind and spirit in balance.

Chakras Yin and Yang

These chakras are located on the shoulders, and the right shoulder is Yang, and the left shoulder is the Yin. Their energies are different, complementary, and interdependent. Your energy is facing up. The energies of these chakras are related to changes, movement, and action.

The Yin chakra organizes the main chakras: the second (sex chakra), the fourth chakra (Heart chakra) and the sixth chakra (third eye chakra). While the Yang chakra organizes the main chakras: the first (Basic chakra), the third chakra (Solar Plexus chakra) and the fifth chakra (throat chakra).

How to unlock the Yin and Yang chakras

Acceptance. To activate these chakras, we must accept the challenges that life imposes on us. To release the tension that causes us not to accept, we can practice some type of sport.

Thymus Chakra

It is not well known the Thymus Chakra, but it is of great importance because it is associated with the energies of ascension and elevation of consciousness. It is located between the Heart Chakra and the Laryngeal Chakra. This chakra is negatively affected by negative feelings and thoughts, which weaken and block it from this and other chakras.

How to unlock the thymus chakra

To be activated this chakra we must monitor our thoughts and emotions keeping only positive things in our emotional and ideological flow, discarding, and changing whatever is negative. Difficult, but with persistence and determination it is possible to keep Thymus chakra working perfectly.

In conclusion:

To have all the chakras harmonized, in my view, we must do practices that harmonize all the chakras at the same time, and we should not think of a chakra in isolation. To balance all chakras, we must do:

-We should do meditation.  Meditation is a good practice because it encompasses all chakras.

-Practice Yoga.  This practice also treats all chakras.

-Energy therapies such as Reiki and Hands of Light. These practices harmonize all chakras.


I hope that the knowledge shared here will help us to have a full and balanced life.

I am grateful to the universe, for all the things it gives us, for all knowledge.  I’M GRATEFUL.